The To All the Boys cast is growing by the day! Not long after welcoming Jordan Fisher’s John Ambrose to the fam, we have yet another new (but very familiar) face. Ross Butler is joining the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before sequel to play Trevor Pike, best friend to Noah Centineo‘s Peter Kavinsky.
“We’re thrilled to announce that the endlessly charming Ross Butler has joined the cast of the To All the Boys sequel as Trevor Pike,” producer Matt Kaplan told Entertainment Weekly. “His real-life friendship with Noah brings a natural chemistry and great rapport to the set and we can’t wait for fans to see this friendship play out onscreen.”
For a sneak peek at that chemistry, check out the photo announcement below, in which the two buddies lounge on a couch, both talking on their phones — maybe to each other, maybe not. Does anything in the world scream “BFF!” louder than Centineo’s casual leg-lift?
This ultra comfortable casting decision forecasts both good and bad news for Centineo’s beloved Peter. The good: He’s going to have a friend to help him break down what’s going on with him and Lara Jean (Lana Condor) when John Ambrose hits the scene. The bad: He’s going to need a friend to help him when John Ambrose arrives. We’ll have to wait and see how this all shakes out.
Butler has, of course, graced your TV screen before on another one of Netflix’s big hits, 13 Reasons Why, as Zach Dempsey. He also played Reggie Mantle in Riverdale‘s first season, but exited the show ahead of the second, when Charles Melton took his place.
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