Adam Vaughan, a Toronto Liberal MP and parliamentary secretary for urban affairs, has apologized for a tweet in which he seemed to suggest that people should inflict physical harm to Ontario Premier Doug Ford.
Early on Saturday, Vaughan posted a tweet in which he referred to the Ontario government’s stance on full-day kindergarten.
“So Frod’s (sic) gang could get folks upset over hurting Kindergarten students instead of being angry over the damage he’s done to university students,” the tweet reads.
“Next he will go after young offenders & end “free school” in detention centres … instead of playing whack-a-mole; Let’s just whack him,” it continued.
Vaughan also posted pictures of children playing whack-a-mole with what appeared to be Ford’s head.
After several people responded condemning the bizarre tweet, Vaughn sent out another post in which he said he’d been contacted by a lawyer representing the Moles of Ontario.
“They resent being compared to Premier Ford. I’ve tried to reach out, but apparently they are an underground organization. (No moles were hurt in the making of these cartoons) #sometoriesarewhack.”
Several hours later, Vaughan tweeted again, issuing and apology and releasing a statement in which he sought to explain his actions.
“To all who are offended and missed the original cartoon. Whack was in reference to whack-a-mole. Not everyone has seen the cartoon and without it the comment lacks context,” Vaughan wrote. “It was never my intent to suggest anyone, anywhere should inflict real physical harm to Premier Ford. To those who took offence, I’m sorry.”
Vaughan did not reply to requests for additional comment from CBC News.
Eleanore Catenaro, press secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, did not directly respond to requests for comment and instead referred CBC News to Vaughan’s latest tweet.
Premier Ford’s office was not immediately available for comment on Vaughan’s online statements.
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